▷ Antonio Quaglietta's website: http://www.antonioquaglietta.it/ ▷ Antonio Quaglietta's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Antonio-Quag... ▷ Counseling Academy's website: http://counselingstrategicorelazional... ▷ Counseling Academy's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Accademia-di... Why do we chase love? What is the problem, the difficulty that love solves? Isolation. Because we as human beings feel like we want to transcend our individuality. If love is an art, it requires effort and wisdom. Effort that is not we meet tomorrow because I like him and then we always find ourselves in the same stories. Where is the effort here? But, above all, where is the wisdom? What does wisdom mean? It means starting to simply ask yourself questions, starting from: what is love for me? #AntonioQuaglietta #LoveandFear #Love