A drive of just 1.5 hours and you can enjoy a refreshing swim and views in one of the most beautiful lakes in Austria. A type of travel or weekend trip that many people increasingly prefer to a holiday by the sea. In this video you will find 10 of the most beautiful and famous lakes in Austria. Let us know in the comments if you have visited any of the places and which is your favorite. You can find cheap flights here: bit.ly/HonzovyCesty-levneletenky 00:00 Holiday in Austria 00:25 Traunsee 00:57 Weissensee 01:52 Achensee 02:23 Wolfgangsee 03:04 Zeller See 03:31 Hallstätter See 04:03 Plansee 04:35 Gosausee 05:02 Lünersee #travel #holiday #austria The link is an affiliate link. When you purchase a ticket through this portal, the Honzovy cesta channel will receive a small percentage of the sale. This does not pay you anything extra, you only help support this channel.