Comedy series by Lakis Lazopoulos, consisting of 12 independent episodes, co-produced by OTE TV and Alpha TV. It was originally shown by the subscription channel OTE TV, during the 2013–2014 season, and in the first months of 2014 by the television station Alpha TV. The series tells with humor the stories that unfold every day in the Greek courtrooms, through the eyes of judges, defendants, witnesses, lawyers, policemen and the public, while the cast of "Dia Tavta" also features favorite characters from the "10 Little Bits". The series' name is inspired by the phrase of the same name used by lawyers in pleadings and by judges at the end of their rulings to announce the final verdict. Episode 6: Babis The two hairdressers, Mikes and Dimis, are constantly getting caught up in each other's hair and not to get their hair done. When the... postis go off the rails, the police intervene. To the investigator Fegoulea, Mikes complains about his partner's pathological jealousy, while in the cell Dimis tries to play it "man", to save his life from his homophobic, knife-wielding inmate. The courtroom is turned into a "crazy cage" by the hairdressers who have come to support. In the judgment of the judges, a Babis, a Lilica and a son will also be put. As usual, Samaras will provide a way out of the crisis. Tryphon. Starring: Lakis Lazopoulos, Vassilis Charalambopoulos, Orestis Tziovas, Tryfonas Samaras, Smaragda Karydis, Yiannis Bostanzoglou, Dimitris Kapetanakos, Evi Karadima, Demosthenes Philippas and little Markos Dellatolas _____ See all the episodes of the series from the list: • Dia Tauta (Lakis Lazopoulos ) ______ #Lazopoulos #10MicroiMitsoi #DiaTautata