Acts for my safety [Everyone, I got that membership!] • Membership launch [Gungdingpangpang Address] Rodong Bok-eo Gungdingpangpang Support Address Ji-rong https://toon.at/donate/hellohello12312 [Toonation] Kim Tae-kwang Wow, Tae-kwang again..!! Again!!!! You're throwing money at my lunch, which is both good and cheap.. I'll make sure to get some protein today! Tae-kwang, don't skip your meals and always take care of your health!! Thank you for always watching over me and taking care of me with affection!! I'm so touched..ㅎㅎ I sincerely thank youㅎ Romantic Duck Ah..huh? Among all the ducks I've passed by so far, has there ever been a duck this sweet.. Duck, I'm so touched.. Geumdongㅎ With this, I promise to give more affection and attention to all the ducks I meet from now on. Tahe The weather has gotten very cold even on weekend mornings, so start the week by wearing simple clothes! If you haven't had your vaccination, you should definitely get it. Health is more important than money! 1 Ori, stay healthy and breathe in health and breathe out wealth! Thank you! Kim Jay Oh, Jay! Hello!! How was your week!!! I've been very busy with cleaning the house, editing, meetings, and dental schedules. I hope you had a good week too, Jayㅎㅎ Thank you for always visiting and watching my very, how should I put it, very simple videos. That's why I have the strength to edit! I hope you have a great week and have a great and healthy life!! Thank you! [Business Email] [email protected]