Janardhan Wishvanbhar Rane, a widower, has spent his life bringing up his two kids Chirag and Gaurav. Now when the two have grown up, Gaurav takes up his father's responsibility. They manage the household chores and their business as well. One day Gaurav meets his college friend Sheekha Kapoor, who lives with her guardian Anuradha who was Janardan's first love. Gaurav and Sheekha come to know about their past relationship. Now Gaurav wants his father to marry Anuradha. Movie - Mere Baap Pehle Aap Starcast - Akshay Khanna, Paresh Rawal, Genelia D'Souza, Rajpal Yadav, Archana Puran Singh Director - Priyadarshan #pareshrawalcomedy #rajpalyadavcomedy #merebaappehleaap Janardhan Wishvanbhar Rane, a widower, has spent his life bringing up his two kids Chirag and Gaurav. Now when the two have grown up, Gaurav takes up his father's responsibility. They manage the household chores and their business as well. One day Gaurav meets his college friend Shikha Kapoor, who lives with her guardian Anuradha, who was Janardan's first love. Gaurav and Shikha come to know about their past relationship. Now Gaurav wants his father to get Anuradha married to Anuradha. Movie - Mere Baap Pehle Aap Starcast - Akshaye Khanna, Paresh Rawal, Genelia D'Souza, Rajpal Yadav, Archana Puran Singh Director - Priyadarshan SUBSCRIBE to - https://studio.youtube.com/video/v_r2... Bollywood Comedy Follow us on: Facebook - Follow us on / comedywalas Twitter - / shemaroocomedy Instagram - / shemaroocom. .