It has reached me, O people of perplexity, of a disobedient leader, a lover of palaces, and a seller of assets, that the auspicious Egyptian state, which as you know is in debt, was searching for a new catch to sell to whomever wanted it. And its search did not take long, when it remembered a distant shore, near the borders of the western country, its waters turquoise, and overlooking it. A rocky plateau, carved by years and months, and I wrote a name by which the beach became famous, and within a few days, the usual deal will be completed, and an investor will come from a country that wears the headband and the veil to buy that beach, and those events are not strange to us, even if the name of the intended beach is strange. To support on Patreon: / ahmedbehiry Subscribe to the official channel on Telegram: https://t.me/ABehiry Ahmed Behiry's official page on Facebook / Ahmed-Behiry-ahmed-behiry-109415711865636 Official page on Twitter / ahmedbehiry Subscribe to the channel to follow new episodes http://goo.gl/2KheJZ Sources: The Most Knowledgeable People on Earth http://www.qooqle.com