LINK TO TRAINING http://bit.ly/Curso_Revisao_PreProva Every day that passes, I receive thousands of comments here on our channel from people complaining that they failed the DMV test, but that in fact they fell for test tricks. Unfortunately, this has become a reality in the daily lives of those who are trying to get their driver's license. DMV stopped evaluating knowledge and has been working hard to create questions that have left many candidates with their hair on end. I honestly cannot understand why DMV does not commit to evaluating the KNOWLEDGE of CNH candidates. Why try to create questions full of malice when none of this will be applied in traffic? I think it is much more interesting to evaluate candidates on what they will actually encounter when they are driving in traffic. DMV, stop putting TRAPS in candidates' tests. That is why I decided to record several videos showing all these DMV test tricks and traps. I even created a preparatory course for the DMV exam, focused exclusively on GUARANTEEING that students PASS. Since DMV is committed to FAILING candidates for driver's licenses, I decided to commit myself to GUARANTEEING that these people pass.