In this episode, we have Nury Zhafira and Mpok Citra who both have experience as housemaids, both on TV shows and in real life. So, what are the advantages of having a beautiful roommate from an economic perspective? And did you know that there is a bank whose customers are required to read prayers and vows first? Just watch the full video of Adu Cuanda x TAYTB Women Warriors on the OCBC Indonesia YouTube channel! Psst, there are new episodes every Thursday! You can also click the following link to check more about: Check Your Business Financial Health at https://www.ruangmenyala.com OCBC Nyala Bisnis Website at https://www.ocbc.id/id/sme/nyala-bisnis #StandUpComedy #ComedyFunny #AduCuanda #BusinessWomen #OCBCIndonesia #TAYTBWomenWarriors #Womenpreneur #OCBC #NyalaBisnis #DailyTransaction #NuryZhafira #Nury #MpokCitra #Citra