Assalamu'alaikhum Bolo!! Back Again with the Youtube Channel Kak_Deniey. This time I saw the Traditional Crude Oil Mining Process in TEKSAS WONOCOLO in Kedewan District, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java, One of the Oldest Traditional Oil Mines in Indonesia Since the Dutch Era and Still Operating Until Now, the Wonocolo Oil Mine is the first oil and gas tourism in Indonesia which is named "Petroleum Geoheritage Wonocolo". Part 1 The Neem Process From the Well: • The Traditional Crude Oil Mining Process ... Continue to Support My Youtube Channel By: ●SUBSCRIBE ●LIKE ●COMMENT ●SHARE So That It Continues to Develop and Provide Interesting, Entertaining and Informative Videos for All of You!! #Kakdeniey #Kak_Deniey #adventure #TraditionalOilMining #Teksaswonocolo