Being responsible for the project does not oblige you to be responsible for your client's work. RRT for construction is a topic that always raises doubts, and today I want you to understand once and for all when you need to issue RRT for construction and when you only issue RRT for the project. Grab your notebook to write everything down and come... __ ✈️ Sign up for the event ACCELERATING YOUR ARCHITECTURE OFFICE (and interiors): https://www.imiradeholanda.com.br/arq... ???? Do you need to request a project or talk to us? https://bit.ly/whatsappStudioM4 __ Hello, I'm Imira de Holanda, an architect from Brasília, and on this channel I share the work of my Architecture office StudioM4. In our videos you can learn about our work methodology, best applications for materials, construction solutions, Challenges of undertaking in Architecture, some DIYs, which are not our specialty, but we love to get our hands dirty and show you. So be sure to subscribe and follow our work on Instagram and Tiktok: @studiom4 ( / studiom4 ) OUR WEBSITE http://studiom4.com.br/ Check out our portfolio and request a quote. STUDIOM4 TEAM: Imira de Holanda Anna Angélica Bento Hanna Cirino Julia de Andrade Melissa Magalhães Giovanna Pati Nayra Priscila Suenne Cardoso Jennifer Vitelli Thereza de Holanda Alice de Holanda