Drama movie Bu Işte Bir Yalnızlık Var (Harmony of Two Hearts), a very beautiful film based on the novel of the same name by Tuna Kiremitçi, dubbed in Persian, was released on @MXTV-3 channel. Synopsis of Bu Işte Bir Yalnizlık Var (Harmony of Two Hearts) Mehmet, who played guitar and composed songs for a long time in a band when he was young, quit music, and when he reached his late 30s, he became a person who had a hard time in He had his own family life. He divorces his wife and gives up music. He is financially damaged and the only thing that brings him closer to life in this process is his daughter Azgi. Main actors: Engin Altan Düzyatan - Özgü Namal Genre: Drama movie Harmony of two hearts Persian dubbing - Bu Işte Bir Yalnızlık Var persian dub New movie romantic drama Harmony of two hearts movie - Persian dubbing Movie movie - Persian dubbing Bu Işte Bir Yalnızlık Var Persian dub film doble farsi Bu Işte Bir Yalnızlık Var Harmony of two hearts movie - with Farsi dubbing Film Doble Farsi Bu Işte Bir Yalnızlık Var Turkish movie ???????? news and schedule of movies and series on the following telegram channel ???????? ???? https://t.me/mxtv3 ????