All information about the most legendary event TURBO BOOM is here ???????? https://turboschool.com.ua Repeat. Pin. Write for 200 WHAT'S GOING ON? analysis from 6 to 32 topics main sights, events, personalities only key information without water life hacks, mnemonic phrases, practical advice and of course cool prizes for participants ???? LINKS TO SUBJECTS: • Mathematics: https://instagram.com/anna.turbozno.m... • Ukrainian language and literature: https://instagram.com/dasha.turbozno.... • History: https://instagram.com/illia.turbozno.... • Biology: https://instagram.com/alex.turbozno.b... • Geography: https://instagram.com/yuliia.turbozno... • English: / liza.turbozno.english • TURBO ZNO: https://instagram.com/turbo.zno?igshi...