In today's video 30 strangers will be looking for a partner, in the first round they choose by tinder-type physique, they can choose if they want a date or not, after this they will have 3 minute dates to get to know each other a little more, it is very good, the second part is even better, 70k likes and I upload it, enjoy .. MEN Tiago: / tiaagoomz Nicolas Rincon: / nicolasrincon_0 Franco Palacio: / francopalacio.co Kevin: / me_dicen_keviin Hubbie el lindo: / soyhubiee Spaguetti: / spaguetisoy Juan Diego: / juandiegochacon Sebastian Rodriguez: / r.jsebastian Daniel Forero: / daniimarvel Andres Savonis: / andressavonis Julian Rojas: / whoisjulian_0 Alejo ram: / alejoramx David Vega: / davidvegaa__ Juan Ramirez: / juancramirez__ Zx: / zxmmy.music WOMEN Sofia: / sofiabarrero nicole: / _nickyshy Daniela: / dannielaa.9 Laura Velasquez: / velasquezlaau Laura Lopez: / lopeztronautaa Jessica Andrea: / andreea.08_ LauriLmL: / laurilml Maria Jose: / majosarasty Juliana virgues: / _lemonyerror_ Karen panadera: / karen_panadero_ Isabela orlando: / isabella21 skynni: / skinny loves_u Laura: /lauradh4_ Karen: /iam_karen22