US Attorney John Chung's Comprehensive Asset Management Consulting (Law, Accounting, Tax, Immigration, Insurance, Real Estate and Other Asset Management) ???? Email [email protected] ???? Phone Inquiry (KR) 02-6221-1110 ???? Phone Inquiry (US) 949-553-1110 ???? Homepage https://jclawcpa.com ???? Blog https://blog.naver.com/jclawcpa1110 You can also meet US Attorney John Chung here. ????️ Naver TV https://tv.naver.com/johnchung ???? Naver Audioclip https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/... ???? OnDemandKorea Video https://www.ondemandkorea.com/player/... US Attorney John Chung's Jc&Company Group is a comprehensive financial services company based in Irvine, California, USA. Since its establishment in 2011, JC&Company Group has provided legal/tax consulting for investment decisions for individuals and companies entering the U.S. from Korea, tax savings, investment and asset management services for clients in the U.S., and has been a facilitator of continuous growth for many clients. Help Your Success in America, the first step of a business going to the U.S., it is most important to start with a trustworthy expert. JC&Company Group will be with you as a reliable assistant and strong partner in the best legal, tax and asset management for clients with cross-border issues between the U.S. and Korea. We provide 1:1 customized customer service more closely to clients through offices in Irvine and Atlanta, California, U.S., and Gangnam, Korea. For more detailed consultation, please contact us by email at [email protected].