The Powerful Influence of Intention on Actions and the influence of intention on the Reward of a Muslim's deeds, a study of Sufism's morals Episode 09 of the Book of Adab Sulukil Murid with KH Fakhruddin Al Bantani, explaining the hadith innamal 'amalu binniyat. Biweekly study every Sunday morning at 06.30 WIB until finished at the Quba mosque, Maharta complex, Pondok Kacang Timur, Pondok Aren district, South Tangerang, Banten. ================================== Let's get books by Tuan Guru KH Fakhruddin Al Bantani. check our store at ✓ Tokopedia https://tokopedia.link/ikhtiarrezeki ✓Shopee https://shopee.co.id/sardi_mustaupa?s... direct purchase wa wa.me/+6282282228176 ========================