A video talking about the Mother series (Mother 1 and Earthbound), one of my favorite RPGs that unfortunately is not very well known in Brazil. In this video I tell a little about the story of the first and second game in the Mother series and also show a little of the gameplay and some curiosities. It was a lot of work to make this video so I hope you like it. I apologize for the audio at the end of the video, I had to record the audio on different days and I had to record the final part of the video in a different place where I don't have a desk so I had to record it with my cell phone in my hand and the audio was wonderful. Remember that some of the Earthbound background gameplays are not mine, as well as the thumb arts and the images that appear in the video. This channel is demonetized so if you want to help me financially call me PV on disc and ask for the Pix key. Credits: Some background gameplays are from 'GeneFreakPlays' and 'Nostalgic Gaming'. Cover of the 8 melodies by 'livvy94'. The 'Charjie' video also helped me a lot to better understand the story of the first game. For those who want to add me ▶ Discord: nickyn1 ▶ Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7... ▶ Server: / discord thanks for watching.