Pastor Raphael Abdalla uses the story of the Prophet Elijah to show us the importance of having good courage. Watch this message, preached at the 6th IPP Conference on Revival and Spiritual Reform, in São Paulo. ➡️ Follow IPP on social media: Website: https://www.ippinheiros.org.br/ Instagram: /ippinheiros EAD Pinheiros: http://ippinheiros.org.br/eadpinheiros Editora Heziom: https://editoraheziom.com.br ➡️ Check out the full IPP TV schedule - Your Web TV 24 hours a day: https://ipp.tv.br On the Pinheiros Presbyterian Church channel, you can watch our live services, including Conexão com Deus, Mulher Esperança and Só pela Graça, check out the entire IPP TV schedule 24 hours a day and receive content from your missionary church. Sermons by Reverend Arival Dias Casimiro and Reverend Hernandes Dias Lopes, reformed theology, Christian podcasts, praise and worship, prayer and much more. Subscribe and receive all our content! #PinheirosPresbyterianChurch #IPPTV #ReformedTheology #HernandesDiasLopes #ArivalDiasCasimiro #IPP #PresbyterianChurch #LiveWorship #Preaching Pinheiros Presbyterian Church