_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IBMA Alphaville Memorial Baptist Church Want to help reach and transform more lives? Leave your comment Share with friends And follow us on Social Media Subscribe to the IBMAlphaville Channel https://bit.ly/assine-o-canal-da-ibma activate the bell to receive news For more Free and relevant Content, visit: IBMAlphaville Website: https://www.ibmalphaville.org.br/ IBMAlphaville Facebook: / ibmalphaville IBMAlphaville Instagram: / ibmalphaville IBMAlphaville Youtube: / ibmalphavilleoficial IBMAlphaville App: IPhone: https://bit.ly/baixar-app-ibma-iphone / Android: https://bit.ly/baixar-app-ibma-android _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hug more people with us! There are several ways to connect and cooperate, because love can't stop! Contribute: Memorial Baptist Church of Alphaville CNPJ: 07.838.266/0001-57 Itaú Bank 341 Agency: 1145 - C/C 33441-1 Bradesco Bank 237 Agency: 1286-6 - C/C 2909-2 IBMAlphaville A Church of Jesus! ONLINE BROADCAST OF ALL CELEBRATIONS Saturday: • 6:00pm Way (Youth) Sunday: • 9:00am Celebration Adults + Kids + PTX + Flow • 11:15am Celebration Adults + Kids + PTX + Flow • 6:00pm Celebration Adults + Kids up to 4 years old + PTX Tuesday: • 8:00pm Celebrating Restoration #ibmalphaville #igrejabatista #cultoonline #celebraçãoonline