In 2024, the show “Os Trapalhões” will complete 29 years since its end, the same period in which it was on air on open TV, from 1966 to 1995. It was one of the biggest comedy shows in Brazil and the world, being recognized as the longest-running comedy show of its time by the Guinness Book of Records. However, the group was also involved in several controversies such as changing broadcasters, internal fights, disputes for notoriety and power and even spent a period apart before the definitive end caused by the death of some members. In this video, we will better understand the history of this gang and its members, who are a fundamental part of the culture, imagination and humorous style of Brazilians. Learn now about the sad and controversial end of Os Trapalhões! Get to know USEFATOS, the official store of Fatos Desconhecidos: https://usefatos.com.br/ Come be a part of our club! Become a member of the Unknown Facts Channel: / @fatosdesconhecidos ????Sources: https://pastebin.com/AnyYfQw5 SCREENWRITER: Felipe Mariano / VIDEO EDITOR: Marcelo Prado / ILLUSTRATOR (THUMBNAIL): Alex Katira / DIRECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHY and CAMERA OPERATION: Francisco (Shadow) / STUDIO ASSISTANT: Pablwo Henryky / PRODUCER: Thales da Guarda / STUDIO DIRECTION: Carlos de Freitas / AUDIO and SCENE AND RECORDING DIRECTION: Marlúcio Rezende / Danyllo Freitas / SCREENPLAY REVIEW: Maurício Moreira / HEAD OF YOUTUBE DEP.: Wanessa Costa / EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Luiz Phellype Alves