PUPPET SHOW!! FULL NGABODOR MATAK HESE NAHAN SEURI, puppeteer Abah asep sunandar sunarya assalamu'alaikum baraya may we all always be in the protection of Allah SWT???? wayang golek is one of the cultural arts from West Java which we must always preserve by continuing to love it, in In the stories we can also learn many lessons including monotheism, history and we can also laugh out loud with funny stories that make us forget the burdens of life and ask for sincerity for everyone to be able to recite Surah AlFatihah for nature. Abah Asep Sunandar Sunarya???????????? ========================================= #village atmosphere #pesonaalamdesa #wayang #wayanggolek #wayangcepot #cepot #cepotdawala #wayangsemar #asepsunandarsubarya #abahasepsunandar #wayanggolekbodoran #wayanggolekcute