Wayang Golek Asep Sunandar Sunarya Full Bobodoran Cepot Selected Version 136 continued by the Sunandar Dynasty: Dalang Dadan Sunandar Sunarya & Yogaswara Sunandar Sunarya Wayang Golek Bobodoran Performance of H. Asep Sunandar Sunarya (Alm) May he be placed in the most noble place in the sight of Allah SWT, Aamiin.... This video has received publication permission from the heirs of H. Asep Sunandar Sunarya through his attorney, Law Office Lusda Sunarty & Partners Preserving the nation's culture is proof of concern and love for the country of Indonesia, because culture reflects the nation's identity. Wayang is a cultural heritage from the ancestors of the Indonesian nation which is full of philosophy and contains the wisdom of life that must be maintained and preserved by the next generation of the nation. please Like, Share and Subscribe to this channel if you feel there is wisdom in it, and don't forget to ring the bell so that you are the first to benefit from the next videos to support it please Subscribe, like and share .... / gmpwgchannel Hatur Thankyu ........... Thank you Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.