While he is considered to be the same god as various other gods, he is a mysterious god who does not appear in the Nihon Shoki and appears in the Kojiki in an unnatural way. In Tango, the oldest Japanese folklore related to Toyouke Okami, the Hagoromo Legend, remains. And there are many shrines related to that story. This time, we will introduce the Hagoromo Legend and the shrines related to it, and get closer to the roots of Toyouke Okami. When tracing the roots of Toyouke Okami, an unexpected fact came to light. Toyouke Okami is considered to be the same god as various gods such as Ogituhime, the grain goddess, Ukemochi, and Ukanomitama. The further we trace the roots, the deeper the mystery becomes. Who on earth is Toyouke Okami? His true identity is not clear, as if shrouded in a deep mist. Will we be able to grasp his true identity? In making this video, we also visited Ise Grand Shrine. The journey from Tango, the origin of the shrine's relocation, to Ise was deeply moving. At the end of the video, the story unfolds in an unexpected direction that was not anticipated at first. Sequel: Approaching the true identity of the mysterious god Did Toyouke Okami actually exist? • Approaching the true identity of the mysterious god Did Toyouke Okami actually exist? #ToyoukeOkami #AncientHistory #IseJingu #Kyoto #KyotoByTheSea