In the Netherlands, there was less room for cosmopolitan ideals than Anil Ramdas had hoped. He experienced a great deal of us-versus-them thinking. In his work, he tried to fathom what kind of country he actually lived in. Karin Amatmoekrim has written a biography about Ramdas. With 'In wat voor land leven ik echt? Anil Ramdas mogelijk kosmopoliet' she examines the interaction between Anil Ramdas' inner and outer world. This video contains a fragment from the program. Would you like to watch the entire conversation? You can do so here ⤵ https://www.youtube.com/live/xy35yXl4... Program maker: Veronica Baas Moderator: Jörgen Tjon A Fong In collaboration with: De Groene Amsterdammer _____ Would you like to see more videos like this? https://bit.ly/DeBalieTV Stay informed about our agenda and join the conversations, via: https://debalie.nl/ Or follow us on: Twitter / debalie Instagram / de_balie DE BALIE De Balie is a Dutch organization in the center of Amsterdam that focuses on art, culture, politics, society and science. We are a café and a restaurant. Isn't that enough? We also show films and have lectures. In fact, we pull out all the stops to stimulate public debate about art & culture. View our diverse program on the website and buy tickets online. www.debalie.nl/ #AnilRamdas #KarinAmatmoekrim #Literature #JörgenTjonAFong #debalie