What's it like to work on the world's most modern plane? The Boeing 787-9 is an aircraft used for long and ultra-long-haul flights, and the company operates this plane from New York and Dallas to São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, as well as Asian routes to Tokyo, Japan, Seoul, South Korea and more! Join me as I work 28 hours of flight time in three days in this series of 3 videos that show the features, the secret place where flight attendants sleep during the flight, the routine from home to work, my breakfast at the airport and much more! Don't forget to subscribe to follow the next episodes of this series! TRENDING VIDEOS: • JAPAN IS EXPENSIVE! Lunch with Neymar Japon... • THE MOST AMAZING RESTAURANT IN TOKYO... • NEW YORK PRICES: Expensive supermarket, Hi... • THE REALITY OF A BRAZILIAN IN NEW YORK... • JAPAN SECRETS: The supermarket prices... • THE TRUTH ABOUT NEW YORK: Strolling arou... • DAY TRIP TO JAPAN: 28 hours of work... • You can do little things in the bathroom of the... #routine #travel #japan #flightattendant #flightattendant #work #plane #airplane #aviation #aircraft #airport #travel #japanese #braziliansaroundtheworld #braziliansinjapan #brazil #humor #goodhumor #humorbrazil