➙ To the PDF: 20 techniques for quick-witted answers https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com... ➙ To part 2: Absolutely fierce counters! ???????????? • 3 fierce counters (don't use them!) Become quick-witted instead of being speechless! In this video you will learn 20 quick-wittedness techniques with which you can respond eloquently to stupid sayings and counter them verbally! You will get the best techniques for quick-witted answers and many quick-witted examples here :) ➙ Impatient? Jump to the section that interests you! 1:08 Weak counter? Automatically increase your quick-wittedness through confidence! 1:56 No clever answer ready? Emotions are the problem! 3:26 Hard vs. soft quick-wittedness. When is which suitable? 4:24 Technique 1: Excessive exaggeration ➙ My absolute favorite 5:19 Technique 2: The tit-for-tat ➙ For a powerful counterattack 6:02 Technique 3: The just-because method ➙ Always good for excuses 6:40 Technique 4: The surprising agreement ➙ Disarm the attacker 7:19 Technique 5: The help technique ➙ Brilliant, you always win with this!