Duel Monsters is a card game that appeared in Yu-Gi-Oh, which was serialized in Shonen Jump. It is known as Yu-Gi-Oh cards and has been enjoyed around the world for over 20 years. However, due to rule changes and rising prices, many people are retiring as duelists... We will explain in detail about the current Yu-Gi-Oh cards. ・Yu-Gi-Oh cards are enjoyed all over the world! Guinness-certified records? ・Many people are quitting due to rule revisions? ! The trend of Yu-Gi-Oh cards becoming outdated continues? ! ・Rules are being changed for the worse! The anime is being canceled? Why are Yu-Gi-Oh card-related projects failing one after another? ! 👇Subscribe to the channel here! / @Our Heroes Slowly Explained Once upon a time, they were "our heroes"... "Things" and "services" that boasted overwhelming popularity and created a boom. We will invite the people themselves to explain their prosperity, decline... and current situation. [To all viewers] This video is not intended to denigrate the "heroes" featured. Please watch the video until the end. #Comments are welcome!