For 9 years in a monastery, far from the hustle and bustle and temptations, he sought answers to the main questions: what is happiness, what is the meaning of life, and how to free oneself from inner chaos? In this video, we will talk about the path: from strict monastic discipline to the discovery of the truth that changed the perception of the world. If you are also looking for answers, this story can be an important point of inspiration for you Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction and the beginning of the spiritual path 00:01:55 The experience of monasticism and meditation 00:05:17 Meditation and flexibility 00:08:32 Awakening and intuition 00:12:26 Karma and the environment 00:16:41 Karma and spiritual practice 00:18:25 Play and energies 00:21:55 The problem of overeating and gambling 00:25:04 Water and health 00:28:49 Awakening and integration 00:32:04 Dark retreats and yoga nidra 00:36:43 The fast path and its risks 00:40:29 Trust and protection 00:44:31 Experience and the meaning of life 00:50:37 Basic position and development 00:52:16 Places of power and their influence 00:58:13 Reality as a simulation 01:07:13 Study of texts and the body 01:14:18 Life as a game 01:21:30 Dark retreat and preparation 01:25:22 Gratitude and conclusion The hero of our issue will share his personal experience! 😎 APPLIED KINESIOLOGIST Sergey ► / sergey_supremelab 📹 / @supremelab 👇MORE INFO HERE👇 Follow my social networks 🤩 🔊 Telegram: https://t.me/zamaznoy ► Instagram: / zamaznoy @SupremeLAB #spirituality #meaningoflife #self-knowledge #monastery #meditation #monk #innerpeace #wisdom #lifelessons #awareness #spiritualpath #happiness #simplicity #practices #yoga #inspiration #findingyourself #philosophy #spirituallife #choiceofpath #consciousness #harmony #balance #personalgrowth #truth #peace #pathtotheworld #self-improvement #monklife #spiritualexperience #questionsofmeaning #meaningfullife #spiritualworld #meditationforthesoul #monasticexperience #searchforthereal #spiritualpractices #lifeinamonastery #searchforhappiness #selfdevelopment #lifeperspectives #innerworld #spiritualgrowth #insights #answerstoquestions #inspiringstory #meaningofexistence #pathtothesoul #wisdomoflife #searchforharmony #spiritualrituals #happinessinlittlethings #justlive #choosingthepath #spiritualteacher #monkexperience #spiritualbasis #searchforpeace #faithinyourself #pathtoenlightenment #spiritualdiscoveries #lifeproblems #changeofconsciousness #spiritualadvice #spiritualquest #searchforanswers #stateofmind #thoughttechniques #pathtoharmony #selfexploration #inspiringdecisions #spirituallessons #meaningfulchoice #pathofspiritualdevelopment #pathtonewconsciousness #lifewithenlightenment #wisdominsimplicity #lifegoals #spiritpractices #choosingthepathwithmeaning #lifephilosophy #spiritualperspectives #innerbalance #selfawareness #consciouslife #lifewithsimplicity #meditativeexperience #spiritualchange #monasteryexperience #searchingforthesecret #lifewithbalance #answerstoquestionsofthesoul #inspirationforlife