To help you start your business as soon as possible, I'm going to teach you how to make an Italian straw, my recipe! What makes it different from so many others out there? DURABILITY! With it, you can start selling today and attract several clients! Let's go! You'll need: Condensed milk, cream, powdered milk and an ingredient that I mention in the video, which is the ingredient responsible for keeping your product good for 30 days! This is a natural preservative that inhibits the growth of mold and yeast, and in the right amount, it doesn't change the flavor at all. Pour the dough into a mold with plastic wrap and spread it out evenly. I leave the dough 3 cm high and then cut it into 5x5 cm. Because I think it's a good size for the customer to consume and for easy packaging too! Make this recipe and start your project of scaling your sweets in the bakery right now. ---------------------------- WATCH ALSO: PROFITTING WITH ITALIAN STRAW - STEP BY STEP TO START TODAY! • PROFITTING WITH ITALIAN STRAW - STEP BY... ONE DAY DELIVERY TO POINTS OF SALE • ONE DAY DELIVERY TO POINTS OF SALE ---------------------------- ???? MY COURSES, E-BOOKS and SPREADSHEETS: https://docesemescala.com.br ???? LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS CONTENT ON MY INSTAGRAM: @doces_em_escala ---------------------------- #entrepreneurship #factory #sales #makeandsell #personalfinance #sweets #finesweets