Joanna Sobolewska Pyz was born on July 31, 1939 in Warsaw. Together with her parents Tadeusz and Halina Grynszpan she was in the Warsaw ghetto. Her parents probably died in Treblinka, she was brought by a navy policeman to teacher Wanda Niczowa on April 18, 1943, who gave her to foster parents: Anastazja and Stanisław Sobolewski. During the war they first lived at ul. Wilcza 8 in Warsaw, then in Milanówek, and then in Murzynki near Mszczonów. Read more about Joanna Sobolewska-Pyz: https://sztetl.org.pl/pl/historia-mow... Learn about other figures of Holocaust Survivors: https://sztetl.org.pl/pl/historia-mow... Learn about the POLIN Museum's oral history collection: https://sztetl.org.pl/pl/historia-mow... Interview: Artur Królicki Photos: Anna Liminowicz Editing: Piotr Boruszkowski Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGH_... Visit the Virtual Shtetl: https://sztetl.org.pl/ Join the Facebook community: / virtualshtetl Other POLIN Museum channels: POLIN: / mhzp2013 Polish Righteous: / polscysp. . Write to us: [email protected]