Everything you need in one place: http://www.aqbank.com.br/ Welcome to your, my, our Podcats! ❤???? Today we're going to welcome Pablo Marçal, the call center who has become a mentor to 11 million Brazilians! Pablo Marçal is one of the most influential coaches and entrepreneurs in Brazil. A best-selling author and personal development expert, Pablo inspires millions with his lectures and online content. Learn about his journey, his main ideas on personal and professional transformation, and how he helps people reach their full potential. Don't miss this inspiring conversation about determination, growth, and success. In this chat hosted by our hosts Camila Loures and Lucas Guimarães, many topics will be discussed, and Pablo will answer questions that are on everyone's lips. � Curious? So grab your popcorn and come join us! ???????? ——————————————————— Guests: @pablomarcal1 Hosts: ???????? @camilaloures ????????♂️ @lucasguimaraes ————————————————————— ✂ Cortos Channel: / @podcatscortes ✅ Official Instagram: @podcats PRODUCTION???? Yoou Group: @yoougroup