"The Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare, directed by Egon Savin, is one of the iconic plays of the Yugoslav Drama Theater. The premiere was on February 4, 2004, and until today (2017) it has remained in the repertoire of this theater for thirteen years, receiving multiple awards and praise from both the audience and the professional public. In this playful, but at times also serious comedy by William Shakespeare, the director and the JDP ensemble found a reason for a play shifted in time (associations with fascism in Italy) in which the actors of this theater excel in their roles. Predrag Ejdus' Shjlock, Antonio Irfan Mensur, Goran Šušljik's Bassanio will be remembered, and above all, the ingenious interpretation of Dragan Mićanović who plays the female character, Portia, one of Shakespeare's most famous heroines. This performance was recorded by RTS three years after the premiere, in 2007, and thus preserved for future generations of both television viewers and (here now) visitors to the YouTube channel. Label and copyright: Radio-television of Serbia Any copying of video and/or audio recordings and uploading to other channels is prohibited!