David Manser, a spokesman for the Israeli Prime Minister's Office, warned Israel at a press conference on Monday, referring to today's missile launch by Yemen's Houthis, another terrorist arm of the mullahs' regime: "The Yemenis, and especially the Houthis, must be fully aware of this issue. As Hezbollah and Hamas know very well, Israel's patience is not infinite." #Israel #Battle_of_Resurgence #New_Order ========================= #Iran #Unica #Unica_News To support us, please subscribe to the channel == Unica News, Politics Cafe, Iran in the World Media, Politics Bell, Political Analysis of the Day, Hot Writing Tips and Tweets of the Week =========================== Unica news and analysis platform is a media-oriented media that reflects news and information related to Iran. Unica was founded and operates to ensure that the voices of Iranians around the world are not silenced. Unica is an independent, free and national media and has no affiliation with any particular person, private institution or government =========================