Exam-taker version of Tiger Funding - Tiger's backstage talk [Dragon Hosoi cuts down a female maths student] • Exam-taker version of Tiger Funding - Tiger's backstage talk [Dragon Hosoi cuts down a female maths student] Exam-taker version of Tiger Funding - Suzuki Kantaro checks out Ota Kanade's maths ability • Exam-taker version of Tiger Funding - Suzuki Kantaro checks out Ota Kanade's maths ability [Over 1.5 million views] Can you work out the formula for sum-product and multiply-add in seconds? • [4 million views on TikTok] Can you work out the formula for sum-product and multiply-add in seconds? #sh... I want to get into Aoyama Gakuin University and open a cafe for women only! Exam-taker version of Tiger Funding #13 [You're choosing a university in order to start a business?!] • Nakayama Rento wants to get into Aoyama Gakuin University and open a cafe for women only! Exam-taker version of Tiger ... Iwai gets mad at Yamaka Takeru! [Exam-taker version of Tiger Funding - Extra edition] • Iwai gets mad at Yamaka Takeru! [Exam-taker's version of Tiger Funding: Special Edition] I want to go to Waseda University's School of Sports Sciences! Exam-taker's version of Tiger Funding #12 [Tigers roar at Tokyo Keizai University prep school instructor] • Sakagami wants to go to Waseda University's School of Sports Sciences! Tiger Funding for exam takers #... ①Hosoi Ryu (Principal of MEDUCATE, private tutoring school for medical school entrance exams) 【YouTube Channel】 / @meducatetv7203 【Website】https://meducate.jp/ ②Kobayashi Takashi (Principal of CASTDICE, private tutoring school) 【YouTube Channel】 / castdicetv 【Website】https://castdice.jp/ ③Yamabi Takeshi (Takeda Juku Academic Affairs) 【YouTube Channel】 / @takedajuku 【Website】https://www.takeda.tv/ ④Morita Tetsuya (Owner of Takeda Juku Kunitachi School) 【YouTube Channel】 / @yuutera 【Website】https://www.takeda.tv/kunitachi/ ⑤Matsubara Kazuki (Head of Tiger Funding for exam takers) 【YouTube Channel】 / @yobikou 【Website】https://shinoharajyuku.com/ Tiger Funding Head Iwai Yoshiaki 【Reiwa no Tora Channel】 / @reiwanotora 【Twitter】 / reiwanotoraiwai ☆Subscribe to the channel here https://www.youtube.com/morite2channe... Join channel membership / @morite2channel ☆Utera lesson channel [Terakoya on YouTube] / @yuutera ☆Crowdfunding for the lesson channel (Please cooperate) https://community.camp-fire.jp/projec... ☆Moritetsu-san channel (eating and chatting) / @morite23 ☆Takeda Juku Kunitachi School's official LINE https://lin.ee/f68EMlv (You can apply for free study consultations) ☆Takeda Juku Kunitachi School's website https://www.takeda.tv/kunitachi/ Takeda Juku Kunitachi School's Twitter / tkd_kunitachi ☆Online individual tutoring school specializing in English [BASIS] https://basis-english.jp/ ☆English composition correction service https://morite2.base.shop/ ☆TikTok (mainly English lectures) / morite2 ☆Twitter (mainly English-related) / morite2toeic ☆Instagram (mainly about daily life) / morite2toeic ♡Waseda Entrance Exam School Website http://wasego.jp/ #TigerFunding for Exam Takers #KeioSFC #Mathematics #DragonHosoi #ReiwaTigers #TigerFunding for Exam Takers