For more information on Kobayashi, please click here: ・【X (formerly Twitter)】 / 5_bariki ・【Instagram】 / 5_bariki ★The LP site for Tiger Funding for students is now open! If you are considering applying, check it out here: https://monolith-j.com/jukenseibantf/ Click here for details on the 【Tiger Funding for students】Support Fund: https://juken-tigerfunding.satori.sit... ▼The official Twitter account for Tiger Funding for students has been opened! Please follow us below! / jukenseibantf We are currently looking for performers for "Tiger Funding for students" (※Transportation costs to the recording venue will be covered by the organizers.) ・Click here for the application form for applicants: https://forms.gle/Qi4zVUKJRS9Yo6aY7 ・Click here to apply or ask questions on LINE: https://lin.ee/mTUjrvL 【※We are not currently recruiting Tigers. 】 ★In fact, Monolith Japan is an advertising agency. ▽For those looking for cutting-edge PR branding, click here! Website: https://monolith-j.com/ Works: https://monolith-j.com/works/ Click here to see all previous Tiger Funding for applicants • [See all previous application episodes in one go! 】Tiger Funding for exam takers TikTok can be found hereReiwa no Tora CHANNEL: https://www.tiktok.com/@reiwanotora?_... Tiger Funding for exam takers: https://www.tiktok.com/@jukenseibantf... Application form for cut-out videos can be found hereReiwa no Tora CHANNEL: https://forms.gle/cGD9m7wJ6e7LSarTA Tiger Funding for exam takers: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FA... ★Tiger Funding for exam takers Hosoi Ryu (Principal of MEDUCATE, individual tutoring school for medical school entrance exams) [MEDUCATE TV for medical school entrance exams] / @meducatetv7203 [Instagram] / ryuhosoi [Twitter] https://twitter.com/dragonhosoi?ref_s... Kobayashi Hisashi (Principal of CASTDICE, individual tutoring school) [CASTDICE TV] / @castdicetv [Website] https://castdice.jp/ Izawa Kotaro (CEO of Study Coach, a University of Tokyo-style online individual tutoring school) [Study Coach website] https://lp-studycoach.com/?utm_source... [Study Coach YouTube] / @study_coach [Izawa Twitter account] / kotaro13000 Kinoshita Hirokatsu (Chairman of Saitama Shintoshin Jaguar Clinic / Professor at Kamakura Women's University) [Website] https://saitamajaguar.com [Youtube] / @jaguarfamily [Instagram] https://instagram.com/hirokatsu_kinos... Kikuzaki Ryoji (Principal of Kikujuku, an online reference school) [Homepage] https://www.ki-ku-ju-ku.com [Tiktok] https://www.tiktok.com/@kikuschool?_t... [YouTube] / @kikujuku-no1 Yoshiaki Iwai will be attending the lecture. Yoshiaki Iwai will also be giving lectures from time to time. Job hunting, young people, education, the future of Japan...If you would like to attend a lecture by Iwai, please contact the following email address. [email protected] Yoshiaki Iwai's first solo book, "Reiwa no Tora: Life is All or Nothing," is now on sale at Amazon.co.jp! https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4801494021/ Check Twitter for the latest information from Tiger Funding founder Yoshiaki Iwai [Twitter] / reiwanotoraiwai Subscribe to the channel here: Tiger Funding for Exam Takers / @zyukenseibantigerfunding Reiwa no Tora CHANNEL / @reiwanotora Produced by: Suneight Co., Ltd. https://suneight.co.jp/ Narrator: Takayuki Okada #Reiwa no Tora #Apply for the exam taker version of TF from the description #TigerFunding for exam takers #Reiwa no Tora