The Battle of the Forts in 1941, was a triumph of the Greek fighter-defenders that ended with their surrender...It was a massacre of the Germans that ended in a "victory" they never won... We all know about the heroic resistance of the Greek fighters at the Forts , against the strongest German forces. None of us have realized the magnitude and intensity of this struggle. Only if we knew how the Germans lived through those battles would we be able to understand... Historian Konstantinos Lagos reveals to us everything the Germans lived through trying in vain to bend the resistance of the Greeks. In his new book "1941, GERMAN INVASION: THE BATTLE OF THE FORTS", he presents shocking documents from what the Germans themselves wrote during and a few days after the battles of the Forts. Their accounts are shocking and reveal their admiration but also their despair at the resistance they encountered. Konstantinos Lagos in the studio of the militaire channel reads us some of the accounts of the Germans that highlight the heroism of the Greek fighters. The link for those who want to order the book that will be released in the next few days https://www.psichogios.gr/el/swma-me-... *Support the Militaire.gr YouTube channel by clicking on the SUBSCRIBE button. It is important to be able to do more. Find out about the YouTube JOIN program.