There are many doors in the world and they all lead somewhere. Either to a school, to a museum, or even to a toy store or a candy store. However, there is one door that leads to anywhere we can think of. The door to fantasy. This fairy tale was prepared by the CODES Brand House company in support of the public collection of the White Crayon as part of the Fairy Tales for Little Crayons project. If you liked it, please support people with visual impairments by sending a two-euro SMS to the number 820, or by transferring any amount to the public account of White Crayon. IBAN: SK23 1111 0000 0014 3025 8006 Thank you author: Václav Šuplata performers: Emka Krajčírová Anna Dysko Alica Barteková Petra Gažíková Lángová Dušan Szabó Martin Horváth Mário Frank Dragan Baksa dramaturgy & direction: Tibor Frlajs sound master: Rudo Nagy harp: Michal Matejčík For more information about the Fairy Tales for Little Pastels project, visit: www.codes.sk/male-pastelky