Almost everyone knows coats of arms and the basic rules of heraldry are actually widely known. Nevertheless, you still see coats of arms that are more original than beautiful all too often. You can find out about the development of heraldry, some tips for more beautiful coats of arms and what role they have actually played historically in our film on the subject of coats of arms. A very beginner-friendly book on coats of arms, which is particularly useful as a template for your own coats of arms: https://amzn.to/3fWb27g (affiliate link, better buy from ZVAB or Antiquariat.de) The Heradik Wiki is also a useful source: https://www.heraldik-wiki.de/wiki/Hau... More from Geschichtsfenster can be found at Kaptorga: / kaptorgavisualhistory If you would like to support Geschichtsfenster, you can either buy me a coffee (or Spezi): https://ko-fi.com/geschichtsfenster or support us in the long term on Patreon: / geschichtsfenster If you would like to see and read more from us: https://linktr.ee/Geschichtsfenster