We visited the entire historic center of São João Del Rei in Minas Gerais, a city from the year 1700 that has the history of our country in its streets and buildings. We passed by the historic churches covered in gold leaf, the covered cemetery, the tomb and the manor house of Tancredo Neves and we show it all to you. Thanks: Pousada Rotunda - http://www.pousadarotunda.com.br/ Guide Sérgio - (32) 99182 5111 Restaurante Gramado - / gramado.centro ________________________________________________________________________ Hello, we are Carlos and Geisa and we have visited many places in our region. We love antiques, farms and old houses, historical settings always willing to find what history has hidden! Come with us on another adventure!! Our social networks: Instagram: / lugardanossaregiao Facebook: / lugar-da-nossa-regi%c3%a3o-108258217626752