The Caminho da Fé is one of the most popular pilgrimage routes. There are 18 branches that explore the Serra da Mantiqueira and connect 64 cities to the Marian capital of faith. Hundreds of pilgrims complete the pilgrimage route in honor of the Virgin of Aparecida. Report by Matheus Alves and Ederaldo Paulini Here, you can find everything in one place, access whenever and wherever you want. Just press Play! Evangelization at Canção Nova happens thanks to your help. Become a member or make your contribution through the website clube.cancaonova.com If you prefer, make a PIX using the key: [email protected] (Check if the beneficiary is Rádio Canção Nova) or use one of our accounts for transfers or deposits: clube.cancaonova.com/transferencia-bancaria Subscribe to our Telegram, and get closer to Canção Nova: http://bit.ly/cntelegram Access the Canção Nova portal: http://bit.ly/sitecn Subscribe to our Channel: http://bit.ly/2Ke4yBm Discover the Canção Nova Store: http://bit.ly/lojacancaonova God bless you!