New video every Sunday morning at 10am. Subscribe to a subscription, we're going to have fun. We love you girls. We love all the girls and women in the world. But with respect, not in a weird way. INSTAGRAM ★ / rafcarlito ★ / levraimcfly FACEBOOK ► / raphaelcarlierakacarlito ► / mcflyofficiel TWITTER ✔ / tontonmcfly ✔ / raphael_carlier Snap: tontonmcfly Bravo to Mayweather, and respect to McGregor who fought well. Thanks to Tonio for the 8-second thumbnail. You're a bro. And thanks everyone for the million and a half subscribers. It's superb. It's gratifying. We love you. Big THANK YOU to Régis Tartu aka TailZArt for his caricature of our 2 big mugs.