Like most economies in the world, it has suffered from both the health crisis linked to Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine. But while in other regions of the world, fundraising and financing mechanisms seem to be easier, Africa is experiencing real difficulties in finding the significant funds needed to revive its economy. With our guests: Vera Songwe, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa Amadou Hott, Minister of Economy, Planning and International Cooperation of Senegal Romuald Wadagni, Minister of State for Economy and Finance of Benin. #economies #monnaies #financements ???? Subscribe to our channel: https://rfi.my/YTfr ???? Follow RFI LIVE video here: https://rfi.my/YTliveFR ???? World and African news live: https://www.rfi.fr/fr/ Join us on Facebook: https://rfi.my/FBfr Follow us on Twitter: https://rfi.my/TWfr Discover the news in pictures on Instagram: https://rfi.my/IGfr