5 BEATS WITH AND WITHOUT A PICK - See the difference on the guitar - Tutorial Hey my guitarist friends!!! See the difference between playing with a pick and playing without a pick on the guitar. You will be able to extract a much better sound than the one you have been getting with just a simple change. Today I will show you the difference by playing the 5 most used beats on the guitar in popular music and after today's class you will be able to choose how you will play your guitar ============================================================ -------------SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL------------ ???? https://tinyurl.com/ybkx9jlg FOLLOW ALSO: ????Instagram: / sidimar_ant. . ????Facebook: / sidimarantun... ============================================================== Share this video with your friends, help spread the word about the channel! ???? • THE HOUSE IS YOURS - How to play the guitar - F... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you don't know how to read tablature, LEARN HERE: ???????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYLoy.... ????WANT TO PLAY HALLELUJAH with just one finger? Click here: • HALLELUJAH - How to play with just one string... ????3 EASY FAMOUS GUITAR SOLOS - Sertanejo - https://bit.ly/31YDtKx ????WANT TO LEARN TO PLAY LIKE ZACQUEU: • LIKE ZACQUEU - COME INTO MY HOUSE - A... ????TITANIC - EASY: • TITANIC - How to play on the guitar (Solo ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #howtoplay #guitar #5beats