Taksim Trio & Aleyna Tilki - If You Forgive Me, I Won't Forgive My God, Your evil servants If You Forgive Me, I Won't Forgive All the cruel ones If You Forgive Me, I Won't Forgive All the cruel ones If You Forgive Me, I Won't Forgive You are God, and You forgive You say, "My servant" You are God, and You forgive You say, "My servant" You know what I've been through If You Forgive Me, I Won't Forgive You forgive All the cruel ones If You Forgive Me, I Won't Forgive Those who make you cry and laugh Those who leave and leave Those who are loved but don't love You forgive Me, I Won't Forgive Those who are loved but don't love You forgive Me, I Won't Forgive Those who break my hope Those who burn my hope Those who burn this world Those who leave in difficult times If You Forgive Me, I Won't Forgive You forgive Me, I Won't Forgive Those who put their heads down If You Forgive Me, I Won't Forgive Lyrics: Ali Tekintüre Music: Burhan Bayar APPLICATION PRODUCER GÖKHAN ÇINAR KRAL GROUP DIGITAL MEDIA MANAGER EMİN BABACAN KRAL GROUP SOCIAL MEDIA EXPERT VOLKAN CANİKLİ MIX MASTERING ÜMİT YÜCEKAYA ART DIRECTOR YURDAER BEŞ DIRECTOR ERDİNÇ ÖZYURT #AleynaTilki #TaksimTrio #SenAffetsenBenAffetmem