In April 2024, a new high school opened in Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture. Its name is "FC Imabari High School Satoyama School". The school principal is Takeshi Okada, a former coach of the Japanese national soccer team and current president of FC Imabari. Why did he leave soccer for education? What kind of education does he aim for? His ally and fellow student who represents the Japanese flag, "Sunday LIVE!!" commentator Yasutaro Matsuki, interviews him directly. 1. Takeshi Okada as soccer club president 2. Takeshi Okada as educator 3. What kind of talent is required for the new era of "leadership theory" 4. The qualities of students studying at FC Imabari High School Satoyama School 5. The "Okada Method" that fosters autonomy 6. The significance of learning from leading figures in various fields 7. What will students learn over the three years at FC Imabari High School Satoyama School and what will their career paths be like? 8. What kind of existence should a "teacher" be 9. Will Okada's "educational reform" change the future? [TV Asahi News] https://news.tv-asahi.co.jp