Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE, Libman-Sachs disease) is a diffuse connective tissue disease characterized by systemic immune complex damage to connective tissue and its derivatives, with damage to the vessels of the microcirculatory bed. A systemic autoimmune disease in which antibodies produced by the human immune system damage healthy cells, primarily damaging connective tissue with the obligatory presence of a vascular component. The disease received its name due to its characteristic feature - a rash on the bridge of the nose and cheeks (the affected area resembles a butterfly in shape), which, as was believed in the Middle Ages, resembles wolf bites. Hypersensitivity type 1 • Hypersensitivity type 1 (immediate... Hypersensitivity type 2 • Hypersensitivity type 2 (cytotoc... Hypersensitivity type 3 • Video Hypersensitivity type 4 • Hypersensitivity type 4 - mechan... VK group: https://vk.com/cormedicale Instagram: / cor_medicale Text: Anastasia Zagorodnova, Ilya Larinby Voiceover and editing: Ilya Larinby Original, from which the images are taken here: • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) - ... The video does not claim to replace a textbook, lectures and articles. If you have any constructive comments, wishes, clarifications - feel free to write! The author does not claim to know everything, he just wants to help and hopes that he helps.