Part 1 is here • Surveying cold-weather greyhounds just before the season is in full swing! 1/2 "Easy Fishing, Easy Rocky Coast Declaration 57 Takashi Shiromoto x Mie..." Program Contents Rock fishing is often thought of as being difficult to get into. This program aims to dispel that image and convey the joy of rocky coast fishing to many anglers. This time, they'll be targeting cold-weather greyhounds in the Furuwaura area of Mie Prefecture. This is the first interview of the new year. It's just before the full-fledged cold-weather greyhound season begins. In the delicate situation where the water temperature hasn't yet dropped, Shiromotchi catches Mie's glamorous cold-weather greyhounds one after another. Stay tuned. ☟ Check out "Fishing Vision Club" if you want to see more! https://vod.fishing-v.jp/video-detail... ☟ A must-see for rocky coast fishing fans! Check out past popular videos here! ☟ ■ Pursuing a good-sized long-tailed mullet on the rocks of Kitaura • Pursuing a good-sized long-tailed mullet on the rocks of Kitaura 'Running the Rocks 85 Heiwa Takuya x Kitaura, Miyazaki... ■ Tanaka teaches you how to efficiently catch the largest mullet in the Goto Islands, Part 1 • Tanaka teaches you how to efficiently catch the largest mullet in the Goto Islands 1/2 'I... Part 2 • Tanaka teaches you how to efficiently catch the largest mullet in the Goto Islands 2/2 'I... ■ Wrestling with a giant striped mullet on the rocks in late autumn, Part 1 • Wrestling with a giant striped mullet on the rocks in late autumn! 1/2 'Running the Rocks 69 Heiwa Takuya x Shizuoka... Part 2 • Wrestling with a giant striped mullet on the rocks in late autumn! 2/2 "Running along the rocks 69 Takuya Heiwa × Shizuoka... #Fishing Vision #Rock Fishing #Takashi Shiromoto #White Mochi #Winter Grey #Grey #Mejina #Fishing Warrior #Ouga Hand #Krill #Furuwaura Area #fishing