Production: Cinemátika Filmes - Integration Video Production Company http://videodeintegracao.com.br Phone / WhatsApp: (11) 9.8288.0770 Subscribe to our MAILING: http://eepurl.com/deYNUH WANT TO KNOW HOW TO MAKE A CORPORATE VIDEO? ===== Download our eBook: http://eepurl.com/dur9Pr ===== Integration is a strategic process for the human resources area of the most modern business managements. It is worth remembering that, for a new employee, every process is a new discovery, creating new relationships and bonds between their new work peers. Many times, those who are already accustomed to the entire business routine do not realize the importance of this first orientation. The risk of ignoring this fact, ultimately, can even end up compromising the corporate health itself. CULTURE AND VALUES IN THE COMPANY A well-executed integration process also allows professionals to identify cultural values more quickly, which means greater quality and productivity gains, in addition to reducing staff turnover. This issue becomes even more important if we consider today's complexity of corporate relationships, where employees need to be acculturated to go beyond the simple buying/selling relationship, and are encouraged to understand and assimilate the corporation's values.