Happiness and Sadness depend on our own perspective. This video is a study of Sufism, how important it is to learn awareness. to know the true self as a way of knowing Allah SWT. #syaifulkarim #syaifulkarim2023 #syaifulkarim2024 #syaifulkarimterbaru2024 #sunda #java #spiritual #the truth of knowledge #nusantara #sundawiwitan #knowledge #taklimknowledge #migration #islam #study #religious lectures #religious studies #meditation #identity #inspiration #ngaji #allah #ngajiknowledge #syaifulkarimterbaru #ngajihakekat #ngajiknowledge #javanese islam #the key to opening wealth #self-motivation #ijazahamalan #javanese islam #the key to prayer #true teacher #how to recognize a true teacher #ngajiphilosophy #the key to happiness #the key to success #ritualsesajen #kajiansesajen #ritualssesajenjawa #signsofpeoplewhohavemetAllah #meditationmusic #suwongmeditation #beginnermeditation #quantummeditation #howtomeditate #natureofprayer #beginnermeditation #quantummeditation #meditationmusic #spiritualpath #spiritualtollroad #trumpettrumpet #sundanesetrumpet #trumpetofangelsroil #magicaltrumpet #natureofPharaoh #storyofwalisongo #tombofwaliyullah #waliallah #walilandofjawa #krifatiblis #guardianangel #guardianangel #nabikhidir #nabimus #storiesoftheprophetsandapostles #storiesofthesaints #beginnermeditation #knowledge #knowledgeofjava #truerose #awareness