Some of the demands of the women's movement that began at the end of the 19th century became a reality on September 23, 1947, with the conquest of the female vote. Getting to that day involved a hectic and uneven path that continues to the present with new demands. Muriel Santa Ana (directed by Rubén Szuchmacher) plays Julieta Lanteri, Carolina Muzzilli, Alfonsina Storni and Salvadora Medina Onrubia, four promoters of equal civil and political rights, and of women's autonomy. Their stories and the choral narrative of specialists noted for their professionalism and commitment to gender issues reconstruct the challenges, struggles and demands of Argentine women in the first decades of the 20th century. Specialists: Lucía de Leone, PhD in Letters; Valeria Pita, PhD in History; Tania Diz, PhD in Social Sciences; María Luisa Femenías, PhD in Philosophy; and Paula Aguilar, PhD in Sociology.