Are you thinking about quitting smoking? Does anyone around you smoke and you want to know how to help them? If so, congratulations on taking the step. Quitting smoking is possible and with information and support it is much easier. In this video you will find guidelines to quit smoking from Blanca Benito Fernández, psychologist, Master in Tobacco and Specialist in Health Education. Blanca is a Technician of the Cantabria Tobacco Prevention and Control Plan and member of the Spanish Society of Tobacco Specialists (SEDET). In addition, she has been part of the Management of the Tobacco Master's Degree at the University of Cantabria. Do you want more information on this topic? • https://estilosdevidasaludable.sanida... • https://www.contraelcancer.es/es/todo... You have all the information about "Objective: a world without tobacco" in this link: https://fundacionmasqueideas.org/port...